Difference between visceral and subcutaneous fat

Those who want to lose weight properly are usually looking for the most effective method to reduce fat and get a firm, slim body. This is usually achieved by running or covering countless kilometers with your bicycle accompanying personal trainer Frankfurt. But what do you have to consider in order to make the chosen method successful?

Subcutaneous and visceral fat tissue: All the same?

We all know people of different sizes: Some have a flabby belly, others appear firmer and yet are still overweight. Difference is in the type of fat tissue accumulated. Here the sports physician differentiates between subcutaneous and visceral fat:

  • Subcutaneous fat

This type of fat is clearly visible and is found under the skin. It can even show up in dents when an area of skin is pinched together. This fat may not be visually attractive, but it is not harmful to health in moderation. The situation is different when it becomes too much, because this is naturally accompanied by a higher body weight, which in turn puts more strain on the joints and the entire musculoskeletal system or overloads it in the long run. In addition, the higher body weight will eventually be at the expense of the cardiovascular system. However, subcutaneous fat in tolerable amounts doesn’t do any harm.

  • Visceral fat

This type of fatty tissue is a problem from a medical point of view. It’s usually located on the organs, surrounds the liver and stomach, intestines and can even spread to the heart. This is dangerous because the fat constricts the organs. It also supports inflammatory processes in the body or keeps them going. Visceral fatty tissue is also deposited in the blood vessels and causes arteriosclerosis. This in turn leads to other diseases. This fatty tissue can even be the cause of a heart attack or stroke! It is therefore important to reduce visceral fat tissue, because it is really dangerous looking from a medical point of view.

The exact type of fatty tissue present in the body can be determined by simply touching it. A flabby abdomen indicates that it is mainly subcutaneous fat that has been stored here. However, if a person is overweight and the body still appears firm, muscles have practically built up over the fatty tissue. This is the problem of visceral fat tissue and it is important to do something about it as quickly as possible.

Fighting against fat: How to reduce it

Nutritional advice certainly helps reducing fat. If the calorie intake is continuously reduced, the body switches to low heat and uses its energy reserves. But it depends on the degree of reduction:

Whoever reduces the energy supply too much puts his body into "starvation mode". This means that it switches to an absolute low energy consumption because it consumes only the energy that the organs need to work. The stored fatty tissue is saved for even worse times. In addition, a pure calorie reduction is already against the background not meaningful, because no muscles are built up with it. The body may be losing fat, but it still appears flabby. However, nutritional advice is useful in that it helps you to determine your own calorie requirements and adjust your diet.

Next to a healthy and low-calorie diet, it is of course the exercise that really leads to fat loss. Studies have shown that endurance training is more suitable here than pure strength training when it comes to reducing visceral fat. Calorie consumption is definitely also increased with strength training, but not to the necessary extent. The whole body is challenged much more during endurance training and so it makes sense to go through it with your personal trainer Frankfurt. Yes, run through, because jogging consumes significantly more calories than cycling. Running is therefore preferable for reducing fatty tissue, while cycling should be a useful supplement and not just an endurance sport.

It’s a matter of intensity

High intensity training is very popular now and this type of training is said to be the most successful, but this training is not the only that can be recommended in your fight against fat tissue. Low and middle intensity training have shown that they are even more effective in reducing total body fat. Classic fat metabolism training should definitely be on the agenda if one needs to reduce visceral fat.
Whoever wants to lose weight properly should therefore focus on endurance training, which is in the low or middle intensity range. Under the guidance of an experienced personal trainer, a training program is put together that will soon show effects. What’s good about it: Fatty tissue is reduced and muscles are built up at the same time. Body becomes slimmer, firmer and healthier!